Monday, August 11, 2008

ASP.NET WebForms buttons and form submission

There's a problem with my previous solution to using Particletree's cool buttons - on IE7 (and only IE7) the click handler gets called twice. It turns out there's a proper way to handle form submission in ASP.NET WebForms - that lets me handle a POST the way I'd expect - and I just wasn't using it.
HTML (aspx):
<form runat="server">
   <button type="submit">...</button>
Notice that there's no 'onserverclick'.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (IsPostBack)
        // handle form submission
Shame on me for not learning the basics.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Programming Tools

In the awesome ALT.NET Israel conference we had a flipchart where people added their favorite tools.

Check it out, and try to guess what my contributions were. (Hint - if it smells of non-.NET-and-windows-land, it's probably me :)

I should have mentioned zsh explicitly as well, but I forgot.